UX Honeycomb Specs

Honeycomb Specs to analyze UX of your app/website

Connect UX to right business goals and tangibly measure to ensure success

4 min readNov 16, 2016


With the emerging trend of UX, you must have noticed a rise in the number of critics near you. These folks are freely available to make comments over your sites user experience. Not necessarily they are right because they might not be your target audience and their suggestions may not be relevant to you.

So, How can you analyze your sites UX?

Well, it’s simple! Put on your UX honeycomb specs to analyze how good and bad your current sites UX is.

Peter Morville & friends developed this user experience honeycomb to describe all facets of UX-

Here’s what it all means:

  • Useful. As a UXer you should avoid going same old beaten path, ask yourself if your product or service is useful, trust your skills and creativity and design innovative solutions that are more useful. The more useful, the better experience.
  • Usable. Usability is necessary but not sufficient.
  • Desirable: Our quest for efficiency must be tempered by an appreciation for the power and value of image, identity, brand, and other elements of emotional design.
  • Findable. We must strive to design navigable websites and locatable objects, so users can find what they need.
  • Accessible. Just like elevators are used in shopping malls, our websites should be accessible to people with disabilities (more than 10% of the population). Today, it’s good business and the ethical thing to do. Eventually, it will become the law.
  • Credible. Websites need to be credible — design elements does influence whether users trust and believe what we tell them.
  • Valuable. Sites/apps must deliver value to our end-users. For non-profits, the user experience must advance the mission. With for-profits, it must lead to conversion.

Using this Honeycomb Specs you can go beyond conventional boundaries and analyze what else is needed to be improved.

Interesting? Let’s try this on couple of renowned sites around us-

1. Google Drive:

57% of users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed mobile site- @Google

  • Useful: “A Safe place for all your files”- This messaging on the first fold of the website shouts out loud about the usefulness of product.
  • Usable: No need to advocate for the usability of dropbox, Great Usability
  • Desirable: Simple, yet effective! The content and sketch make it extremely desirable.
  • Findable: All core features are upfront, you can’t miss it out.
  • Accessible: Rightly so.
  • Credible: Nothing could be more credible than the brand GOOGLE
  • Valuable: It has solved a lot of pain point for computer users, hence Tons valuable

2. Slack:

  • Useful: “A messaging app for teams”- Clearly states how useful this tool is for remote communication.
  • Usable: Easy to use and integrate
  • Desirable: Background image and content tends to represent remote communication made possible
  • Findable: Obviously yes.
  • Accessible:Looks good.
  • Credible: 266k followers on twitter. (What else do you need :p )
  • Valuable: Remote teams just love it.

I am not advocating to copy what these companies are doing, In Fact, you should never do that! Your company’s websites should be aligned to your company’s buyers persona. And at least for me, User experience can only be considered great if it helps you to achieve your goals, specifically, site’s ability to convert visitors into leads.

User experience of sites is not only important, but absolutely crucial !

You must be having more sites in mind which you would love to analyze through honeycomb specs. Isn’t it? So what are you waiting for ? Try it out and do let me know if you find it useful :)

Thanks for Reading ! Follow us on Medium for more UX post.

Till next story…

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